Currently, 大约有340家台湾本土公司在网络安全银天下开展业务,该行业直接雇佣了大约9名员工,000 people. With the global and local economy recovering  from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taiwan cybersecurity market size is expected to reach BUSD 2.32 in 2, posting 9.1 per cent CAGR from 2016-2022. That is slightly higher than the global average of 8.1 per cent CAGR for the corresponding period. The continued growth of IoT (Internet of Things) related cybersecurity, both from a hardware and a software perspective, 再加上不断增长的需求和对网络安全问题意识的提高,将成为该行业向前发展的主要推动力. 到2025年,台湾的物联网银天下预计将比目前的水平增长30%.

Challenges and opportunities in the Taiwanese cybersecurity market

Due to  threats from foreign, private and state-sanctioned players, the Taiwanese market needs upgraded and sophisticated cybersecurity infrastructure. 由于台湾的网络安全基础设施历来没有得到优先考虑,因为国内能力较小, 台湾银天下正在寻求可信赖的外国合作伙伴的解决方案和合作.

According to a 2021 cybersecurity investment survey by IT home, almost 60 per cent of Taiwanese companies have invested in internet security. 第二和第三大投资是IT基础设施和保护,其次是远程备份解决方案.

考虑到银天下成功参与了台湾5G基础设施的建设和维护, there are several natural synergies for Swedish cybersecurity companies in the market. Taiwanese traditional infrastructure resources such as gas, 水和电已经高度数字化,但容易受到网络攻击,在全国范围内可能造成毁灭性影响.

According to a survey conducted by ITRI Taiwan (Industrial Technology Research Institute), cloud service security, 遵守国内法规和物联网安全应用是台湾公司今天面临的三大挑战,这为银天下公司探索进入台湾银天下创造了一个利基机会. 随着几乎所有行业远程工作的增加,这些机会都与保护基于云的企业信息的解决方案有关. More than 40 per cent  of the surveyed companies also mentioned e-mail security, disaster recovery exercises and end-to-end security as prioritised investments in 2021.

网络安全问题也越来越受到地方当局的关注,他们一直在采取立法行动保护和捍卫他们的知识产权和物理基础设施. For example, 2018年12月,立法院通过了《银天下》,规定了政府机构和某些非政府实体的网路安全管理义务. The ICSMA particularly covers the providers of critical infrastructure. This could relate to tangible or intangible assets, systems, 效率下降将对国家安全、公民生活或经济活动产生重大影响的网络. In addition to the new rules, 在过去几年中,网络安全解决方案的公共支出大幅增加,从2017年的50美元增加到2020年的128美元. 这些发展将在银天下的所有重要部门创造具体的商业机会.

同样值得指出的是,台湾对国内网络安全银天下的发展有着极大的兴趣, 这个话题经常出现在当地报纸上,并得到了私营和公共部门的广泛关注.

Recommendations and next steps for Swedish cybersecurity companies

When entering the Taiwanese market, Business Sweden strongly recommends establishing a local market presence, using one of several recommended ways of entering the market, either by using a local partner, establishing a subsidiary, or going directly to the customers.

Considering current entry restrictions, 我们也喜欢帮助银天下公司在网上或通过当地合作伙伴进行初步的商业对话和公司介绍.

银天下商业公司一直在密切关注全球网络安全形势以及台湾银天下的具体机会. 我们非常乐意与您就您的银天下进入计划进行初步讨论,并为您提供复杂的银天下进入分析支持, create market entry strategies, handle government affairs or help you with your market establishment.

Please contact Sean Yang, Project Manager, Business Sweden Taipei, for additional information.